Installing CK-12 in Schoology - Enterprise Version

The CK-12 app for an enterprise instance of Schoology should be installed at the school or district level by your IT staff, or other appropriate administrator. If you are not that person, please send a link to this article to the appropriate person or department.

NOTE:  If you have already received your consumer key and shared secret, you can skip to the Installation section below.

Obtaining a Consumer Key and Shared Secret

Click here to contact CK-12 and request a Consumer Key and Shared Secret

CK-12 Support will provide the following 2 pieces of information over email that are necessary for installation:

  1. Consumer Key
  2. Shared Secret


The CK-12 app for Schoology's Enterprise version should be installed at the school or district level, rather then per teacher. If you are using Schoology's Basic version, please click here for installation instructions.

Schoology’s App Center can be accessed by selecting the App Center page located in the left column of the Home Page.

  1. Select the App Center icon in the top menu on the Home page, then click the "App Center" button.


  2. Select CK-12.

  3. Click the “Install LTI App” button.


  4. Click “Add to Organization.”


  5. Navigate to the Organization Apps Page


  6. To configure with a Key and Secret, find the App in the list of Installed Apps and click the Configure button.


  7. Enter the key and secret as provided by CK-12.


Your installation is complete.

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