How to Upload a CSV Roster

NOTE: If you already have your roster in CSV format and properly formatted, you can skip down to the "Ok, enough background already...tell me how to upload my roster." section. If you're not sure if you have that, read the beginning sections below first.

What is a CSV File?

CSV stands for Comma Separated Values. Although most CSV files actually look like spreadsheets, this is a specific format, so make sure your rosters are saved as a CSV file, and not as Excel spreadsheets, Google Sheets, or any other specific spreadsheet format. 

Will any CSV file do?

No. Your file must be formatted a specific way for our upload script to be able to read it. You can download a template here.

Converting From Other File Formats to CSV

These resources provide instructions on how to convert your spreadsheet files from the two major spreadsheet applications to CSV. If you are using a different spreadsheet application, you will need to find instructions for that program.


Google Sheets (See the "Download a copy of a file" section.)

Ok, enough background already...tell me how to upload my roster.

  1. While viewing your CK-12 class, click "Members" on the left. (Note, if this is a brand new class, and you have a large orange "Add Students" button in the middle of your screen, you can also click that button. It will get you to the same place.)


  2. Click on the "Add Students" button in the upper right.


  3. Upload your CSV file.


  4. If there are any modifications you need to make to your file, you'll see instructions on the same screen above.

Sample CSV File

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