Editing Your School's Page

As a school administrator, you have the ability to manage FlexBooks® on your school's CK-12 page. This includes adding or deleting FlexBooks®, as well as updating the school name. To make changes to your page, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your CK-12 account.

  2. Navigate to your school's page.

  3. Click the "Edit Page" button to make the desired updates.

To Add a FlexBook®

  1. Paste the URL for the book you would like to add in the Add a FlexBook® panel.

  2. Click Add

To Delete a FlexBook®

  1. Click the trash can icon on the book you would like to delete.

  2. Click OK to confirm

To Edit Your School's Name

  1. Click the pencil icon next to your school's name. Enter your changes and click the Save button.

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