Installing CK-12 in Clever

Setting up your District with Clever

Note: If your district is already registered with Clever, you can skip to the Installation section below.

To get started, first register your district with Clever using the following sign up page

  • Find out what is needed to sign up for Clever using their help article.



After you have registered your district, sign into your district dashboard.

  • Click on the Add Application button under My Apps.
  • Look for CK-12 Foundation on the applications page.
  • Click on our app icon.
  • Review the app information and click Add CK-12 Foundation.


  • Return to your dashboard where you should now see the CK-12 app under My Apps.
  • Click on the CK-12 app to proceed to the authorization page.
  • Review the app requirements and then confirm you authorize Clever to share information with CK-12.

  • Select which users should have accounts with CK-12 Foundation.

Note: CK-12 supports sharing an Entire District or by School.

  • The installation is now complete!


 See how teachers and students can access the app.


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