How to Edit Existing Chapters or Sections

Content Updates

To edit content in the existing chapters or sections of your FlexBook, go to the Table of Contents for the book and do the following:

  1. Click the Edit link on the left.
  2. Use the teal colored arrow just to the left of the chapter title to expand the chapter sections.
  3. Click the pencil icon to the right of the section.
  4. If you are editing this section for the first time, you will be prompted to save the existing chapter title, or enter a new one.
  5. Make any needed updates to your content.
  6. Click Keep as Draft to save a draft of your work.  OR...
  7. If you are ready to create your final draft, click the Finalize Draft button.

    Note that the editor will auto-save your work as you go along.  This is indicated on the left side of the editor, under the "Finalize Draft" buttons.  

Other Kinds of Updates 

  1. To delete a section, click the X icon to the right of the section.
  2. To reorder sections, click the "cross-hair" icon to the right of the section. Continue holding the mouse button down, and drag the section to the desired location.
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