Welcome to CK-12! There are a few main components of the site you may wish focus on first. These are Content, Classes, and Assessments.
There are many ways to explore our content. Here are two easy ways to get you started:
Explore Menu
Click "Explore" in the navigation bar at the top to access our new FlexBook 2.0 platform, adaptive practice, simulations, interactives (PLIX) and more.
What are you looking for today?
The "What are you looking for today?" section on our homepage takes you directly to content on the subject you choose.
A word about FlexBooks
FlexBooks are fully customizable. You can rearrange chapters, add materials, combine books, and make many other customizations. See the links below to some articles in our Help Center, that detail how to work with FlexBooks.
To share all of this material with your students we provide Classes. You can create a class, and invite them to join. (Note, if you are homeschooling, it is fine to have a class of only one, or a few students.) Once in the class, they have access to any FlexBooks or other materials you have shared with the class. This can include CK-12 content and links to external content. The Q&A section of classes allows you to conduct class discussions. You can also view reports on student progress, and manage class membership. Classes also allow you to assign practices and quizzes (also called "assessments") to your students.
You can create your own quizzes, or use those that already exist on the site. Existing practices can be found in our Adaptive Practice library. They are also embedded in most lessons in our FlexBook 2.0 platform. Note that not all subjects have assessments. You can customize practices and quizzes, and create your own questions. See the links below to articles that explain how to edit or create quizzes and practices.
What if I have questions?
If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact support.
Helpful Links
- Main CK-12 Help Center Page
- Quick Overview Videos
- Creating and Customizing Content
- How to Use CK-12 Classes
- Practices & Quizzes (Assessments)
- CK-12 Webinars
- CK-12 YouTube Channel
- CK-12 Certified Educator Program