Translating Content in Languages Other Than English

Learn how to enable translation in the following browsers:

Please note, if you are using a LMS, the Google Translate Extension will not work within the iFrame.

Translating in Chrome Using the Google Translate Extension

Select the link below to access the Chrome Webstore and add the Google Translate Chrome extension.


Select the puzzle piece to access your extensions > then pin Google Translate by selecting the thumbtack.

puzzle piece.png


Select the Google translate icongoogle translate icon.png> then select "Translate This Page".

translate this page.png

Select the down arrow next to English.

arrow next to english.png

Select your language.

Now your page has been translated.


Translating in Chrome Using Chrome Settings

Select the three horizontal ellipses in the top right corner of your Chrome browser > then select "Settings ". From your settings window, select "Languages" and select your preferred language.

chrome settings language.png

Select the Google translate icongoogle translate icon.png, then switch from English to your preferred language.

english to spanish.png

Translation is complete!


Translating in Firefox

Select the three horizontal bars in the top right corner of your browser, then select "Translate page".


Translate from English to your preferred language.

Translation is complete!

firefox 3.png


Translating in Safari

Select "View" at the top of your browser > scroll down to "Translation" > select "Preferred Languages"

safari 1.png

Select the (+) symbol > select your preferred language > select "Add"

safari 2.png

You will receive a popup confirming you would like to user your preferred language as your primary language.

safari 3.png

Select "View" > scroll down to "Translation" > select "Translate to (preferred language)"

safari 4.png

Translation is complete!


Translating in Microsoft Edge

Select the three horizontal ellipses in the top right corner of your Edge browser > scroll down to select settings > select "Languages"

Edge 1.png

Select "Add Languages" > then select your preferred language

edge 2.png

Select the three horizontal ellipses next to your preferred language > select "Move to the top" > select the three horizontal ellipses again by your preferred language > select "Offer to translate pages in this language"

edge 3.png

Select the translate icon and confirm your preferred language is in the "Translate to" box, then select "Translate".

edge 4.png

Translate is complete!


Most content on the site will be translated as you browse through it.  You may briefly see the content in English before the translation takes place.

Additionally, some subjects have FlexBook Textbooks written in Spanish.  When viewing the FlexBook tab, scroll down to find these.

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