How to Create Content in CK-12

CK-12 provides users with the ability to create, modify and upload content to CK-12's website.

Here's how:

  1. Sign in to CK-12.
  2. Click Library.
  3. Click the Create New button.
  4. Choose the type of content you would like to create.
  5. Enter a title.
  6. Click Save.

  7. In the CK-12 Editor add your content. 
  8. If you still have updates to make, click Keep as Draft to save a draft of your work.  OR...
  9. If you are ready to create your final draft, click the Finalize Draft button.

    Note that the editor will auto-save your work as you go along.  This is indicated on the left side of the editor, under the "Finalize Draft" buttons. 

  10. When the content is ready to share with everyone click Publish.

Learn more about the editor here: CK-12 Editing Tools Overview


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