How to Attribute

Author attribution is available for customized CK-12 FlexBooks® and modalities by CK-12 users.  Here's how:

  1. Sign in to CK-12.
  2. Click Library in the top navigation.
  3. Select one of your customized FlexBooks® or modalities.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Click the Details tab.
  6. Under the Attributions section click on Add Attributions to select a role, type in a name and click Add Attribution.
  7. Remove existing names by clicking the X button found next to each name.
  8. Click Save Changes when finished.

Chapter level attributions are available as well.  Here's how:

  1. Sign in to CK-12.
  2. Click Library in the top navigation.
  3. Select one of your customized FlexBooks® or modalities.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Click the pencil icon button to the right of any given chapter in the table of contents.
  6. Click the Details tab.
  7. Under the Attributions section click on Add Attributions to select a role, type in a name and click Add Attribution.
  8. Remove existing names by clicking the X button found next to each name.
  9. Click Save Changes when finished.
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