How to Track Progress with Reports

Teachers can track student progress on assignments made in CK-12 classes. Here's how:

  1. Sign in to CK-12.
  2. Select your Class.
  3. Click Reports for an overview of student progress. You should see the following screen:

    Screen_Shot_2019-06-26_at_2.20.37_PM.pngNote: If you would prefer to see reports without the Heat Map feature, you can turn that off. Click Heat Map in the upper right, and your screen should look like this:


    The colors in the Heat Map represent a score range, as follows:


  4. To see how a student performed on a specific assignment, click the score for that student under the assignment you want to review.


  5. To see an overview of how a student performed on all assignments, click their name in the list of students.

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