Teachers can create assignments for students to complete and track their progress. There are two ways to make assignments.
Method 1: Create and Assign Through Your Class
- Click Classes in the top navigation.
- Select the appropriate class.
- Click Assignments in the left side menu.
- Click Create an Assignment.
- Browse to a topic, or search for a keyword.
- Click the checkbox on the right of your chosen Concept to add it to your assignment.
- If you'd like to add a Quiz to the assignment, click "Add a quiz to this assignment" in the upper right corner, and choose a quiz from your Library.
- Click Save to name the assignment and click Save again to return to the previous screen.
- To finalize click Done.
- Click on the assignment name to set other parameters such as:
- Assignment instructions.
- Start Date and Due Date
- Showing (or not showing) correct answers in student reports. If you choose to hide correct answers then students won’t see the answers in their reports until after the due date. If no due date is set, than the answers will never be shown.
- Click the Assign button.
- You can also Edit or Delete this assignment from this dialog.
Method 2: Assign Modalities
You can assign reads, videos, and practices directly.
- While viewing the modality you would like to assign, click Assign to Classes in the left navigation area.
- Select the class to which you would like to assign the modality. You can optionally set the following parameters:
- Assignment instructions.
- Due Date
- Showing (or not showing) correct answers in student reports. If you choose to hide correct answers then students won’t see the answers in their reports until after the due date. If no due date is set, then the answers will never be shown.
- Click Assign to Classes