SAFARI Montage Configuration Instructions

1. Obtain a CK-12 Foundation key & secret via the request form available at

2. Activate the CK-12 Foundation Integration:

a. Navigate to ADMIN > Interoperability Support > Services, locate the CK-12 Foundation integration,
and click activate.

b. Click on settings and enter the following

Key: CK-12 Foundation supplied LTI Key
Secret: CK-12 Foundation supplied LTI Secret
Link URL: [Generated automatically]


c. Click Save button to commit.

3. Click the schools link to refine schools and user types that will have access to CK-12 via SSO portal link.


a. Select/deselect schools and user types that will have a CK-12 portal and/or dashboard link access.


b. Click Save to commit.

4. Activate the CK-12 Foundation Digital Resource Weblinks package

a. Navigate to ADMIN > Content & Modules > Content Packages

b. Locate the CK-12 Foundation Digital Resource Weblinks package and click the activation link

c. Assign the package to appropriate schools.

5. Configuration of CK-12 Foundation integration is complete.

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