This error means the source assignment url needs to be updated in order to work in the desired course. This needs to be done by someone who has the ability to modify the assignment on the LMS.
Please follow the steps below to retrieve a new assignment url for your course.
You will need to go to the source assignment and do the following to retrieve a new url:
Using a bookmarklet:
- Drag the Get assignment url link to your bookmark tool bar Get assignment url
- Open the source assignment and then click on the Get assignment url bookmarklet
- You should see a pop up with the link to copy
- Now follow these steps to update the assignment url for your LMS
Using the browser's javascript console:
- Before loading the assignment, you will need to open you browser's javascript console. Follow the steps below for your browser.
Internet Explorer:
- Once you have the javascript console open, enter LMS6009 in the filter text box.
Example from Chrome browser:
- Now open the source assignment.
- Wait for the following text to appear:
[LMS6009 Course Copy] This is your new CK-12 assignment url:
- Copy the displayed assignment url. (
- Once you have the new url you can now update the assignment that gave the error message using the instructions below.
Follow the steps below to update the assignment url for your LMS:
- Edit the assignment.
- Replace the url in the External tool url box with the new assignment url.
- Save the assignment.
- Edit the assignment.
- Replace the url in the External tool url box with the new assignment url.
- Save the assignment.
Now you should be able to load the assignment. If the assignment does not load, please make sure the url was copied and pasted correctly.
If you have followed these steps and are still receiving an error message, please contact us at